Thursday, November 01, 2007

I've been tagged !

I have to tell 6 things about me that none of you know .. which should be quite easy ! heh ... Ursula did it.

PS I am supposed to tag another 6 people .. so whoever reads this you are tagged ...

I'll go in order of memory .. aye ..

1. When I was little us neighbourhood kids made a go-cart and we would spend days having turns on it. One day I had my turn and went tearing down the hill which was our street, hair blowing in the wind (yes my long hair) ... suddenly my head was yanked back ... can you imagine .. my long hair got wrapped around the wheels ... Suffice to say there was an entourage of neighbourhoods kids marching back to my house .. Me walking in front crying, neighbourhood kids behind holding up the go-cart .. we couldn't untangle my hair ... The only way to do this was for my mum to cut it off .. hence my first bowlcut style hair cut ..

2. When I was a whee thing I was in a beauty contest .. I came second .. I was humiliated, not because I came second, but just that I had to parade in front of all of these strangers .. have hated beauty contests ever since .. and being in the public eye for that matter. It's all so very superficial .. I think it actually has led me to being quite shy, I hate people looking at me ! don't look ! hah

which is really weird because my next tidbit would probably make you think that's not true ..

3. When I was a teenager, my mum put us kids in a maori culture group - the daughter of the guy that runs the culture group at PCC was/is one of my mums good friends, it was her group. My bit in the limelight was to be the solo hula dancer. I loved it, even though one could say the costume was a bit revealing .. long white skirt with split up the side and bikini top .. (yeah back then I had the body for it and the grace). But I really loved the dancing aspect of it. Telling a story with the hands. Plus it was usually in the dark with a spotlight so I couldn't see anyone watching.

4. I absolutely looooove peanut butter, honey and banana toasted sandwiches. and my sources tell me so did Elvis ! I also LOVE spinach ! although I don't have muscles like popeye.

5. I've been to the USA 8 times and stil haven't seen New York ... ummm or Abigail ... or Sherpa ... or Dan and Jaime .. or Daisy .. or lotsa people, crikey I need to go again .. on my way to Italy of course.

6. When I saw Bridget Jones' Diary for the first time with my mother. I spent the first 10 minutes of the movie blubbering, literally .. as I watched my life being played before my eyes. I don't think my mum even knew I was crying, coz she turned to me laughing saying "this is so funny !"


Tora Family said...

ohhh, Trude...I think you've got me beat with that go-cart story. I enjoyed reading those 6 things about you!

Trude said...

yeah ... I think I'm gonna go to the grave with that one ... eck